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  • Bolt & Forge Appaloosa Overdrive - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Main picture
  • Ref : 111163
259,00 €
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Die Marke Bolt & forge

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Kaufberatung für Bassgitarren-Effekte

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Overdrive/distortion/fuzz effektpedal

The APPALOOSA OVERDRIVE is a pedal offered by the Bolt & Forge brand.

The Appaloosa is an authentic low- to mid-gain overdrive that responds to playing dynamics like a tube amp, providing a smooth, natural transition without any crackle when decaying notes. Its neutral EQ preserves the distinctive character of your guitar and amplifier.

Equipped with boost, gain and master controls, the Appaloosa uses gain staging similar to that of a tube amp, allowing you to easily sculpt a tone ranging from slight crunch to saturation rich in grain and dynamics. Tone controls add additional versatility: for example, reduce the bass for a more midrange-focused overdrive, or increase both for a pronounced midrange sound.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • 100% analog signal path
  • Hand-selected germanium diodes
  • Studio-grade Mosfet operational amplifiers
  • Metal Film Resistors
  • Audio Grade Film Capacitors
  • Noise canceling starter
  • Hand wired
  • 9 to 18 volts DC
  • 2.1mm negative center plug
  • Current consumption of 18 mA
  • Protected against reverse polarity, overvoltage and overcurrent
