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Caroline guitar Wave Cannon Zero

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  • Ähnliche Produkte
  • Caroline Guitar Wave Cannon Zero - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Main picture
  • Caroline Guitar Wave Cannon Zero - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Variation 1
  • 315.00 €
  • Ref : 113892
299,00 €
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  • 3 Jahre Garantie
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Overdrive/distortion/fuzz effektpedal

CAROLINE GUITAR Wave Cannon Zero Distorter & Havoc is both a throwback to one of Caroline very first unreleased prototypes of a pedal and the culmination of decades of playing, repairing, modifying, and building these circuits. It can be wild, it can be mild, it can tear your head off, it can be warm like your granny’s gravy, or as nasty as you want to be.

Circuitwise, it shares a lineage with original Wave Cannon v1 released in 2010, but functionally and sonically it takes things a lot further than our previous releases. Where you take it is up to you. Making things dirty is just the start.

The shape control has been refined to allow for more depth to low and medium gain sounds, the voltage control has been introduced to let users get starved and broken textures, and the HAVOC control has been downright *exploded* – it has its own control for tuning and mixing the feedback signal, it can now function both as the first thing your guitar sees OR later in the signal chain, and thanks to John Snyder at Electronic Audio Experiments, it can be momentary or latching !
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • CAROLINE GUITAR Wave Cannon Zero Distorter & Havoc
  • SKU Caroline Guitar WAVECANONZERO
  • Fuzz / Distorsion + Filter
  • For electric guitar
  • Controls : see pictures
  • In/outs : see pictures
  • True bypass
  • Powered via optional 9VDC (negative center)
  • Current draw ? mA
  • 18 oz
  • 2 × 6 × 4 inches
