Die Marke Catalinbread
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Kaufberatung für Bassgitarren-Effekte
Wie navigiert man durch die Fülle der auf dem Markt erhältlichen Effektpedale? Star's Music zieht Bilanz, folgen Sie dieser Kaufberatung!
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Overdrive/distortion/fuzz effektpedal
From The Ventures' "2,000 Pound Bee", and Iron Butterfly's In-A-Gada-Da-Vida", to the Black Keys, the Fuzzrite has a rich history of taking guitar tones to new levels. Catalinbread has brought the classic silicon circuit back, and added a 9v power supply. The Catalinbread Fuzzrite is a faithful reproduction of the classic 60's circuit of the Mosrite Fuzzrite. It's splatty, raw, and unapologetic. The Depth control adds brightness and gain, while the Volume knob controls your overall output volume."
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt
- Controls: Volume, depth