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Catalinbread Sinkhole Reverb

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  • Ähnliche Produkte
  • Catalinbread Sinkhole Reverb - Reverb/Delay/Echo Effektpedal - Main picture
  • Catalinbread Sinkhole Reverb - Reverb/Delay/Echo Effektpedal - Variation 1
  • 239.00 €
  • Ref : 109208
219,00 €
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  • 3 Jahre Garantie
2-3 Tage Versand
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Star's Music Lyon

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Reverb/delay/echo effektpedal

The Sinkhole is the combination of a harmonically-rich "hole" reverb with an impossibly deep four-voice chorus that's been outfitted with a feedback control and a gentle high-cut filter. The Feedback control allows the Sinkhole to reach deep within the reverb to extract some truly otherworldly tunable modulation, featuring everything from comb filtering to pseudo-phaser to haunting auto-filtering. The reverb trails have been stretched out to their absolute limit, with the maximum decay time almost freezing your signal in space. Extreme settings evoke warm synthesizer pads, reminiscent of vintage analog-digital hybrids, holding your modulated note indefinitely.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Fdbck: Amount of feedback in the chorus circuit + Depth of the chorus.
  • Mix: Wet / Dry blend.
  • Mod: Rate of the chorus modulation.
  • Verb: Decay time of the reverberated signal.
  • Vol: Gain of the onboard preamp, can be used as a fine clean boost with or without the reverb.
  • True Bypass/Buffer switch (internal): Stop or leave the reverb trails after the pedal is disengaged.
  • Controls: Fdbck, mod, verb, mix, vol.
