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Earthquaker devices Time Shadows V2

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  • Ähnliche Produkte
  • Earthquaker Time Shadows V2 - Reverb/Delay/Echo Effektpedal - Main picture
  • Earthquaker Time Shadows V2 - Reverb/Delay/Echo Effektpedal - Variation 1
  • Earthquaker Time Shadows V2 - Reverb/Delay/Echo Effektpedal - Variation 2
229,00 €
  • Kostenlose Lieferung
  • Günstige Preise garantiert
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  • 3 Jahre Garantie
  • Ref : 111449
2-4 Tage Versand
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Reverb/delay/echo effektpedal

The latest EarthQuaker Device actually is the same as the latest Death By Audio device. This new pedal is a joint collaboration that brings their sonic soundscape trips to your melted mind. With the switch to the left Time Shadow's controls are completely the brainchild of EarthQuaker Devices resident genius Jamie Stillman. Flip the switch to the right, and you enter the head of the madman Oliver Ackermann from Death By Audio barely clutching to reality. Place the switch in the middle and enter a whole new realm of pitch warping delays brought to you by a telepathic mind-meld with a 5th dimensional dream being.

All three sounds are wildly different from each other and yet share a perfectly designed harmony to be completely complementary and suitable for every style and genre of music. The EarthQuaker Devices side transforms whatever you play into the sound of a jazz space bazooka! It's a pitch morphed fuzz delay filter with so much attitude that you are actually intimidated. It takes the input signal, blows it out with power of digital distortion, blends it with a polyphonic sub octave, feeds it into a delay, then spits it out into a highly resonant envelope controlled lowpass filter. The Death By Audio side is a multi-delay filter remorphinator that goes from icy shimmers to cosmic space caves of bouncing repeats. The middle position is an energy beam that brings your earthly transmissions repetitively closer to the heavens while simultaneously diving deep into the hells.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Controls :
  • Time: Controls the delay time.
  • Span: Controls the intensity of repletion.
  • Filter: Arguably the most fun control on Time Shadows! On the EQD side this controls an envelope for the filter frequency and a gate for the cutoff to the input of the delay. On the DBA side this controls the filter frequency as well as the shift point of a precisely phased delay line for pole zero interpolation. In the magic middle position, this controls the mix.
  • Preset: Six available preset slots for you to save and recall your favorite settings! The settings for each of the three controls, the Mode switch and the expression jack assignment can be saved and recalled in any of the slots.
