Die Marke Ecler
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The Ecler Warm 2 is a 2-channel dj mixer.
WARM2 is a professional two-channel analogue rotary DJ mixer, designed and manufactured by ECLER in
Barcelona. Featuring two phono/line channels and a micro/line channel, classic sharp filters, a 4th order
Isolator and a narrow portable format, it will deliver a warm and crystal clear analogue sound. All circuits
are strictly designed, mounted and tested at Ecler facilities in Barcelona, in order to offer the best
professional grade in quality and reliability. With over 50 years of experience in analogue audio design and
for the first time after 13 years, Ecler proudly presents our WARM2 rotary mixer.
WARM2 is a professional two-channel analogue rotary DJ mixer, designed and manufactured by ECLER in
Barcelona. Featuring two phono/line channels and a micro/line channel, classic sharp filters, a 4th order
Isolator and a narrow portable format, it will deliver a warm and crystal clear analogue sound. All circuits
are strictly designed, mounted and tested at Ecler facilities in Barcelona, in order to offer the best
professional grade in quality and reliability. With over 50 years of experience in analogue audio design and
for the first time after 13 years, Ecler proudly presents our WARM2 rotary mixer.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt
- 2+1 Mixing channels
- • 1 MICRO input
- • 2 PHONO inputs
- • 3 LINE inputs
- • Master Output (HOUSE) on XLR and RCA
- connectors
- • Booth Output on RCA connectors
- • 6.3mm J ack and 3.5mm mini-jack Headphone
- Monitor Outputs
- • 3 band full cut EQ for main channels and 2 band
- full cut EQ for MICRO/LINE channel
- • 3 bands isolator (300Hz and 4KHz, -∞ /+12dB, 4th
- order 24dB/oct )
- • Maximum Output without distortion: 21dBV
- (23dBu)
- • Mechanized from a solid block of aluminum knob,
- without visible screw. Ecler Unique design
- • Alps Blue Velvet Potentiometers
- • FX Send control and Pre/Post fader selector
- • Screen-printed faceplate by selective anodizing
- • Wooden side panels included
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