Die Marke Jhs
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Kaufberatung für Bassgitarren-Effekte
Wie navigiert man durch die Fülle der auf dem Markt erhältlichen Effektpedale? Star's Music zieht Bilanz, folgen Sie dieser Kaufberatung!
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Overdrive/distortion/fuzz effektpedal
The Violet Distortion is a new take on distortion/overdrive brought to you from the collaborative minds of Josh Scott and highly influential Brazilian guitarist Lari Basilio! Using this pedal is like adding a new and ultra-flexible distortion channel to your favorite clean amplifier. The unique three-band EQ sets the Violet apart from our other popular distortion pedals. We placed the Midrange control before the distortion circuit as a powerful pre-amp distortion shaping tool. This single design choice allows the Violet to achieve hundreds of tones, from overdrive to full-on modern distortion. Treble and Bass controls are located in a more traditional position after the distortion circuit, offering familiar but extremely flexible post-distortion shaping you’re accustomed to.
The Violet also excels at stacking with other overdrives, distortions, and fuzzes, allowing it to fit perfectly into any rig as a second or new primary dirt device.
The Violet also excels at stacking with other overdrives, distortions, and fuzzes, allowing it to fit perfectly into any rig as a second or new primary dirt device.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt
- Controls: Volume, gain, bass, treble, mid freq, middle.
- Requires 9V Power supply (not included)