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Lag Tramontane T118ABCE - black

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  • Lag T118abce Bevel Tramontane Auditorium Cedre Khaya Bro - Black - Elektroakustische Gitarre - Variation 4
  • Lag T118abce Bevel Tramontane Auditorium Cedre Khaya Bro - Black - Elektroakustische Gitarre - Variation 5
  • Lag T118abce Bevel Tramontane Auditorium Cedre Khaya Bro - Black - Elektroakustische Gitarre - Variation 6
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  • Ref : 115076
659,00 €
  • Kostenlose Lieferung
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  • Zufrieden oder erstattet
  • 3 Jahre Garantie
3-5 Tage Versand
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Acoustic by Star's Music

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Elektroakustische gitarre

The very attractive and comfortable with a beveled armrest, the LAG Tramontane T118ABCE (Black) is an Auditorium steel string acoustic/electric guitar of interest ! it features solid Red Cedar top, layered Khaya back/sides/neck, Khaya neck and Brownwood fingerboard/bridge. It benefits from excellent craftmanship, and provides warm, rich and dynamic sounds.
It works especially well on stage thanks to its compact body bounding feedback problems when amplified.

African Khaya is a beautiful kind of Mahogany with wide frequency response.

Brownwood is a great alternative to Rosewood. The wood is a short cycle pine from New-Zealand, that goes thru a specific and sophisticated drying/compression process, for an optimal humidity level and density.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Akustikgitarre Farbe Schwarz
  • Akustikgitarre Modelle Sonstige
  • Akustikgitarre Saitenanzahl 6 Saiten
  • Akustisch/Elektroakustisch Elektroakustischen
  • Custom shop Nicht
  • Kindergitarre
  • Rechtshänder/ Linkshänder Rechtshänder
  • Reiseformat Nicht
  • Typ custom shop Nein
  • LAG Tramontane T118ABCE
  • Steel string acoustic/electric guitar
  • Auditorium with cutaway
  • Solid Red Cedar top with beveled armsrest
  • Layered Khaya back/sides
  • Khaya dovetail joint neck
  • Brownwood fretboard, 20 frets
  • Scale 25.5" - 650 mm
  • Neck width 1st fret 43 mm
  • Brownwood bridge
  • Astro-LÂG preamp
  • Lag die-cast tuners, 15:1 ratio
  • Double action trussrod
  • Gloss finish for body
  • Satin finish for neck
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