Die Marke Old blood noise
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Kaufberatung für Bassgitarren-Effekte
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Modulation/chorus/flanger/phaser & tremolo effektpedal
This is a device with a variable clock control to shift between recognizable shimmering chorus and chaotic modulated delays. It creates a swirling shimmery sound somewhere between chorus and flanger from a mono instrument signal.
Two delay lines, modulated by opposite synchronized LFOs, are combined in parallel and the timing of the delay lines, as well as the speed and depth of the LFOs, are all determined by one tactile slider. This allows you to instantly open up the modulated floodgates on the fly and go from well-known waves, to deeply unknown oceans of sound.
Two delay lines, modulated by opposite synchronized LFOs, are combined in parallel and the timing of the delay lines, as well as the speed and depth of the LFOs, are all determined by one tactile slider. This allows you to instantly open up the modulated floodgates on the fly and go from well-known waves, to deeply unknown oceans of sound.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt
- Chorus Effects pedal
- Clock slider - changes the effect from fast and high-fidelity to slow and degraded
- Feedback knob - enhances the intensity of the chorus/increases the amount of delay repeats
- Wet/Dry mix control
- Soft-touch bypass switching
- Pedalboard friendly size
- Made in the USA
- Controls: Mix, volume, clock, feedback.