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Origin effects Halcyon Green Overdrive

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  • Origin Effects Halcyon Green Overdrive - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Main picture
  • Origin Effects Halcyon Green Overdrive - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Variation 1
  • Origin Effects Halcyon Green Overdrive - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Variation 2
349.00 €
285,00 €
  • Kostenlose Lieferung
  • Günstige Preise garantiert
  • Zufrieden oder erstattet
  • 3 Jahre Garantie
  • Ref : 103226
2-3 Tage Versand
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Overdrive/distortion/fuzz effektpedal

The ORIGIN EFFECTS Halcyon Green Overdrive is a classic low-gain drive pedal featuring proprietary Adaptive circuitry. This unique design allows it to adapt its voicing in response to pick attack and volume changes, making it one of the most dynamic and interactive overdrives out there. While it is based on the same green pedal that has inspired countless clones, this little box goes way beyond what the average overdrive has to offer.

This pedal is based on the Ibanez® Tube Screamer® for a reason. Its mid-forward voicing, low-gain drive and a touch of clean signal make it a great choice for pushing an amp, allowing players to jump out of the mix with a thick solo tone. However, once you turn down your guitar volume or play softly, that mid-pushed drive tone can become a thin, nasal clean tone. It’s this all-or-nothing nature of classic drives that has us stacking numerous pedals for various shades of saturation.

The Adaptive circuitry in the Halcyon Green Overdrive is the solution to this problem, with all the magic of a vintage TS808 on tap, but a responsiveness that is usually only found in the best valve amplifiers. A whole new level of playability for lovers of classic pedal tones.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • ORIGIN EFFECTS Halcyon Green Overdrive
  • SKU Origin Effects OEX-0026-00
  • Based on the iconic Ibanez Tube Screamer TS808 Overdrive
  • Designed and built in England
  • 2022
  • Premium components throughout
  • Adaptive circuitry responds to volume changes and playing dynamics
  • DRY level control for extra tweakability
  • Voice switch offers two types of mid push
  • Ultra-high input impedance
  • High-quality buffered bypass
  • Powered via 9VDC power supply
  • Current draw 80 mA
  • 124 × 58 × 64 mm
  • 500 g
  • Manuel anglais : https://origineffects.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Origin-Effects-Halcyon-Green-Overdrive-Manual.pdf
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