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  • Jico Impact Sd - Tonabnehmeraufnahme - Main picture
  • 233.00 €
  • Ref : 109696
209,00 €
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  • 3 Jahre Garantie
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Kaufberatung für DJ-Tonabnehmer

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The Omnia Impact SD black kit is the ideal combination of cartridge holder, cartridge and diamond for DJ clubs looking for a premium all-in-one solution for their turntable.

Featuring an exclusive black JICO aluminium cartridge holder, an IMPACT cartridge for enhanced bass, and an N44-7 SD diamond based on a high-quality synthetic diamond, this kit is ideal for rediscovering the sound and feel of the famous Shure N44-7 cartridges, with extra bass and a unique design, at a very attractive price.
A high-quality synthetic diamond.
The SD range, which stands for Synthetic Diamonds, uses synthetic diamonds instead of natural diamonds. Artificially created, these synthetic diamonds share the same optical and physical properties as a natural diamond, while offering very consistent performance at a controlled cost. Thanks to a diamond tip with an adjusted diameter and a new cantilever damping system, synthetic diamonds are able to offer a pleasant and precise sound, more defined than a bonded natural diamond, while maintaining a lifespan in excess of 200 hours.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Category: cell and cell holder assembly
  • Construction: aluminium
  • Purpose: club, DJ
  • Pressing force (g): 3.5 - 4.5
  • Weight (kg): 16 g
  • Diamond tip: spherical
  • Quantity: 1
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
  • Output voltage : 8 mV
  • Type : moving magnet
  • Complementary specs :
  • Contents: IMPACT cell and N44-7 SD diamond with diamond shield, full spherical diamond (bare), black cell holder, cabling and hardware
  • Cartridge: IMPACT (equivalent to Shure M44 7 with more bass), ideal for club mixing/blending
  • DJ Improved version: specifically designed for DJs with a higher force of support, with diamond protection screen
  • Diamond type: full spherical synthetic diamond, 0.7 mil, offering high-fidelity reproduction
  • Tip diameter: 0.25 mm
  • Channel separation: 20 dB (1 kHz)
  • Channel balancing: 1.5 dB maximum (1 kHz)
  • Output voltage: 5 to 8 mV
  • Recommended load resistance: 47 kΩ
  • DC resistance: 800Ω
  • Compliance: L8.5 / V7.8
  • Height : 16 mm
  • Cantilever: Improved JICO Type S in tubular aluminium, similar to the original Shure model
  • Angle of attack: 7
  • Mounting interface: 1.2" standard
  • Replacement diamond : JICO N44-7 DJ SD
  • Cartridge holder colour: black
  • Cell colour: translucent red
  • Pen colour: blue
  • Handmade in Japan
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