Die Marke Lag
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Kaufberatung für Akustikgitarren
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Continuing the Lâg tradition of innovation, the Sauvage Guitars feature FSC Certified Brankowood and a newly developed eco-friendly varnishing process to minimize the impact on the environment. The Sauvage Series features the Iconic Lâg French Headstock design as well as a rough sawn look on the back and sides which reflects the character of the guitar - a tough musical companion, ready for adventure. The rounded back of the Sauvage Series produces an unparalleled full-bodied tone and as you would expect, a rugged, road-ready case is included with each Sauvage guitar.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt
- Akustikgitarre Farbe Natural
- Akustikgitarre Modelle Jumbo
- Akustikgitarre Saitenanzahl 6 Saiten
- Akustisch/Elektroakustisch Elektroakustischen
- Custom shop Nicht
- Kindergitarre
- Rechtshänder/ Linkshänder Rechtshänder
- Reiseformat Nicht
- Typ custom shop Nein
- Top : Pale BrankoWood ; satin finish
- Back & sides : Smoked eucalyptus, satin, rough sawn finish
- Bridge : Black BrankoWood
- Neck : Khaya mahogany
- Neck finish : Satin
- Trussrod : 2-way system
- Fingerboard : Black BrankoWood
- Headstock : Black BrankoWood ; maple logo inlay