Die Marke Mooer
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Kaufberatung für Bassgitarren-Effekte
Wie navigiert man durch die Fülle der auf dem Markt erhältlichen Effektpedale? Star's Music zieht Bilanz, folgen Sie dieser Kaufberatung!
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Harmonizer effektpedal
Purer Octave provides guitarists with 15 different polyphonic octave effect combinations in addition to one detune effect. The DSP algorithm separates the high and low input frequencies to ensure every preset operates seamlessly without spectral artifacts or distortions. These two frequency bands can be isolated or combined dynamically through the independent “SUB” and “UPPER” dials, allowing guitarists to finely craft the perfect effect to suit their specific needs.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt
- 15 different octave effect modes
- 1 detune effect mode
- Three-way toggle switch offering a real-time effect mode and 2 preset slots
- Independent volume dials for isolated sub and upper octave voice
- Bypass foot-switch
- Industry-standard ¼” mono input and output
- Glossy orange finish
- Tidy and intuitive user interface
- LED light indicator of bypass status
- 9V DC power port