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Vox Amplug 3 Boutique

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  • Zugehöriges Zubehör
  • Ähnliche Produkte
  • Vox Amplug Boutique V3 - Elektrische PreAmp - Main picture
  • Vox Amplug Boutique V3 - Elektrische PreAmp - Variation 1
  • Vox Amplug Boutique V3 - Elektrische PreAmp - Variation 2
  • Vox Amplug Boutique V3 - Elektrische PreAmp - Variation 3
  • Vox Amplug Boutique V3 - Elektrische PreAmp - Variation 4
  • Ref : 109944
49,00 €
  • Günstige Preise garantiert
  • Zufrieden oder erstattet
  • 3 Jahre Garantie
innerhalb von 24 Stunden lieferbar
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Elektrische preamp

AmPlug3 is the third generation of the amPlug series, the headphone amplifiers that can simply be plugged into a guitar and used right away. With a variety of amp options and guitar tones available, Amplug offers an ideal solution for guitarists and bass players to practice with the best tone while keeping things simple.
The Amplug 3 Boutique emulates the legendary boutique amp sound. CH1 is a bouncy clean, CH2 is a bright and silky overdrive sound.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Technologie Transistor
  • Phones jack (3.5mm stereo mini phone jack)
  • AUX jack (CTIA – compliant 3.5 mm TRRS mini phone jack)
  • Power source : 2 AAA dry cell batteries or 2 AAA nickel-hydrogen rechargeable batteries
  • Battery life : 10/16 hours (alkaline batteries, FX or RHYTHM on/off)
  • 3/5 hours (manganese batteries, FX or RHYTHM on/off)
  • Dimensions (W X D X H) : 87 x 33 x 39 mm (plug retracted)
  • Weight : 40 g (excluding batteries)
  • 2 Channels
  • 3 Built-in effects
  • 9 rhythmic patterns included
