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Kernom Moho Fuzz

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  • Ähnliche Produkte
  • Kernom Moho Fuzz - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Main picture
  • Kernom Moho Fuzz - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Variation 1
  • Kernom Moho Fuzz - Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz Effektpedal - Variation 2
  • 349.00 €
  • Ref : 109537
304,00 €
  • Kostenlose Lieferung
  • Günstige Preise garantiert
  • Zufrieden oder erstattet
  • 2 Jahre Garantie
innerhalb von 24 Stunden lieferbar
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Star's Music Paris
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Overdrive/distortion/fuzz effektpedal

The MOHO draws inspiration from a range of fuzz classics, spanning both vintage and modern designs. It infuses futuristic tones into the mix, inviting you on a unique sonic adventure that combines the finesse and ferocity of renowned analog circuits in an unprecedented way.
The MOHO gives the user the possibility to save their favorite sound to be used at any time.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Controls : Volume, Electricity, Post Tone, Pre Tone, Mood, Fuzz
  • Expression input (Allows continuous control over all knobs with your expression pedal)
  • Fully featured MIDI input and output supporting MIDI Control Changes, Program Changes, etc...
  • Weight : 850g
  • Requires 9V DC Pwer supply (not included)
  • True Bypass
