Die Marke Schecter
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Kaufberatung E-Gitarre
Wie wählen Sie Ihre E-Gitarre aus? Alles wird in dieser Kaufberatung erklärt.
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E-gitarre aus metall
The SCHECTER Sunset-6 Triad #2574 is a tremendous solid body electric guitar. It features a traditional construction with Nyatoh body, Maple/Rosewood bolt-on neck, 25.5" scale, 24 stainless frets Ebony fingerboard).
It's a different pony thanks to its Schecter USA Tripocalypse triple-coil bridge pickup offering unprecedented and varied sounds. Netherless it will fit most kinds of Hard-Rock and Heavy-Metal variations.
Excellent built quality, great playing comfort.
It's a different pony thanks to its Schecter USA Tripocalypse triple-coil bridge pickup offering unprecedented and varied sounds. Netherless it will fit most kinds of Hard-Rock and Heavy-Metal variations.
Excellent built quality, great playing comfort.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt
- E-Gitarre Modelle Str (oder nahe davon)
- Custom shop Nicht
- Farbe Schwarz
- Griff mit Kopf Ja
- Rechtshänder/ Linkshänder Rechtshänder
- Saitenanzahl 6 Saiten
- Typ custom shop Nein
- SCHECTER Sunset-6 Triad #2574
- Solid body electric guitar
- Nyatoh body
- 5x pieces Maple/Rosewood bolt-on neck, Ultra Access, "Ultra Thin C" profile
- Ebony fingerboard, 24x jumbo frets
- Scale 25.5" (Fender© Strat© style)
- Radius 16"
- Neck width 1st fret 1.653" (42 mm)
- Neck depth 1st fret 19 mm
- Neck depth 12th fret 20 mm
- Schecter USA Tripocalypse triple-coil (bridge) & Schecter USA Apocalypse (neck) single-coil pickups
- Volume
- Tone
- 5x Way Switch
- Schecter Diamond Hardtail
- Schecter Locking tuners
- Graph Tech XL Black Tusq nut
- Gloss finish
- Factory string Ernie Ball Regular Slinky #2221 (.010-.046)
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