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Taylor 362ce 12-String, 12-Fret - natural satin

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  • 3359.00 €
  • Ref : 110259
2421,00 €
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  • 3 Jahre Garantie
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The 362ce offers shimmering octave sound in a compact body that makes it one of the most comfortable 12-string guitars on the market. This all-mahogany Grand Concert serves up a punchy midrange response that remains balanced across the frequency spectrum, with V-Class bracing inside boosting the volume, sustain and overall tunefulness of the guitar. The hardwood top helps even out an aggressive attack, delivering a focused sound with minimal overtones. With a slightly shorter scale length of 24-7/8", players will notice a slinkier feel down the neck, making it easier to hold notes and chords. The 362ce sports a dusky visual style with a dark edgeburst finish treatment and includes ES2 electronics and a hardshell case.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Akustikgitarre Farbe Natural
  • Akustikgitarre Modelle Kleine / 00 / 000 / om / Parlor
  • Akustikgitarre Saitenanzahl 12 Saiten
  • Akustisch/Elektroakustisch Elektroakustischen
  • Custom shop Nicht
  • Kindergitarre
  • Rechtshänder/ Linkshänder Rechtshänder
  • Reiseformat Nicht
  • Typ custom shop Nein
  • TAYLOR 362ce 12-String 12-Fret
  • SKU Talor A305126111000641107
  • Acoustic/electric guitar
  • Grand Concert style
  • 300 Series
  • Built in USA
  • 2024
  • Solid tropical Mahogany top
  • Solid tropical Mahogany back/sides
  • V-Class Bracing
  • Body length 49.53 (19.5")
  • Body width 38.10 (15")
  • Body depth 11.11 (4.3/8")
  • Solid tropical Mahogany neck
  • Ebony fretboard, 18 frets (12 outside body)
  • 24.7/8" scale
  • Nut width 1.7/8" (4.78 cm)
  • Tusq saddles
  • Mécaniques Taylor Slot Head
  • Taylor Deluxe Hardshell Brown case included
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