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Yamaha CLP-895GP - polished white

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  • Yamaha Clp-895gp - Polished White - Digitalpiano mit Stand - Main picture
  • Yamaha Clp-895gp - Polished White - Digitalpiano mit Stand - Variation 1
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Digitalpiano mit stand

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The CLP-895GP is a digital upright piano offered by the Yamaha brand.

The flagship grand piano style model of the Clavinova CLP series, featuring the best touch and sound of the series to allow you to enjoy rich expressiveness. The performance of this piano is essentially equivalent to that of the CLP-885.

The Clavinova CLP digital pianos have been designed to replicate the feel and experience of a grand piano on a digital instrument, combining the latest digital technology with over 120 years of piano craftsmanship.

The new CLP-800 series incorporates several new technologies at every stage of the process to replicate the complex interactions that occur inside a grand piano and offer pianists an unprecedented experience on a digital instrument.

Key Features of the CLP-895GP

  • Grand Acoustic Imaging technology with spatial sound that creates the ambiance of a grand piano.
  • Thanks to the new sound generation chip, Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM) technology produces richer and more natural resonance in this new generation of the series.
  • A new sound generation chip delivers the most sumptuous and innovative piano sounds to date.
  • Grand Expression Modeling technology now produces even more sound nuances based on the technique of the player.

Key Functions of the CLP-895GP

GrandTouch Keyboards and Pedals

The GrandTouchTM and GrandTouch-ST keyboards have been developed to faithfully recreate the feel of a grand piano keyboard. In the CLP-800, the weight, shape, materials, and movement of the internal parts have been adjusted so that the perceived resistance at the fingertips is even closer to that of a grand piano mechanism. The new GrandTouchTM pedals in the CLP-800 series not only resemble grand piano pedals but also allow musicians to feel the same resistance in their feet as on a grand piano when they press and release them.

The Excellence of a Piano

The CLP-800 series is equipped with a new sound generation chip developed by Yamaha, featuring superior computing power, which delivers the most sumptuous and highest quality piano sounds to date. It offers the sounds of two world-renowned concert grand pianos: the CFX, Yamaha's Premium concert grand, and the Bösendorfer Imperial, with its famous warm Viennese sound.

Grand Sound and Grand Design

The CLP-800 series is the closest thing to a grand piano, not only in terms of feel and sound but also in terms of design. They feature many of the soft curves that make the grand piano such a refined instrument. The wider music rest does not obstruct dialogue with the music, but is also very functional, as it can hold multiple sheets of music spread out. Finally, the LED screen on the control panel of the high-end models is designed to turn off when not in use, thus eliminating unnecessary elements from the musician's field of vision.

The Benefits of a Digital World

Bluetooth functionality, binaural sampling with headphones, record your performances, compatible with the Smart Pianist app, rhythm tracks for playing. So many possibilities thanks to the digital features of the CLP-800 series.

Advanced Speaker Technology

While grand pianos amplify sound through their large soundboard and body, digital pianos amplify sound through their speakers. To overcome this structural limitation, Yamaha has applied the knowledge and techniques acquired over more than 120 years of acoustic piano manufacturing to optimize the placement, orientation, and volume balance of the speakers in the low, mid, and high-frequency ranges of the CLP-800 series.

Improved VRM Technology

The CLP-800 series pianos produce richer and more natural resonance than ever, thanks to the new sound generation chip combined with the revolutionary Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM) technology. VRM technology creates a rich and varied sound by simulating the complex sympathetic tones created when string vibrations propagate to the soundboard and other strings, depending on the timing and intensity of the keys and pedal.

Expert Reviews

  • The Yamaha CLP 895GP is simply stunning. The wooden keys and synthetic ivory coating provide a tactile response very close to that of an acoustic piano. The GrandTouch technology is a major asset, providing unparalleled expressiveness. The sound samples of the Yamaha CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial grand pianos add incredible depth and richness. This digital grand piano is perfect for those looking to combine aesthetics and performance.
  • The Yamaha CLP 895GP is a masterpiece of technology and design. The feel of the keys and responsiveness are incredibly realistic, almost identical to those of an acoustic piano. The Spatial Acoustic Speaker system gives the impression that the sound emanates from the entire piano, creating an authentic ambiance. Additionally, the sound customization options and educational features, such as the built-in recorder, are perfect for musicians of all levels.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Anzahl der Tasten 88 Tasten
  • Klavierform Flügel
  • Piano Farbe Weiß
  • Tastsinn Gewichteten Tasten
  • Sound
    • CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial Sampling
    • Binaural Sampling CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial
    • 4 Fortepiano Voices
    • Enhanced VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling) Technology
    • Enhanced Grand Expression / Modeling Technology
    • 256-note Polyphony
    • 53 Voices + 14 Drum / SFX Kits + 480 XG Voices + GM2 / GS ? MIDI File Playback
  • Touch and Pedals
    • GrandTouch™ Keyboard with Ebony and Synthetic Ivory Keytops (white keys are wooden)
    • Escapement Mechanism
    • Counterweights
    • Linear Grading
    • GrandTouch™ Pedals
    • GP Response Damper Pedal System
  • And More
    • Equipped with a 198 x 100 LCD Screen
    • Touch Control Panel
    • Dual / Split / Duo Function
    • Reverb / Chorus / Brilliance Effects + Insertion Effects
    • 25 Demo Songs + 50 Piano Songs + 303 Lesson Songs
    • 20 Rhythms
    • 16-track Recording
    • USB Audio Recording (Playback / Recording: WAV)
    • 2 Headphone Jacks
    • Amplification: 2 x (45W + 45W + 45W)
    • Speakers: 2 x (16 cm + 8 cm + 2.5 cm (dome) with bidirectional horns)
    • Speakers with Spruce Cones (spruce wood)
    • Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC) Technology (Automatic sound equalization adjustment based on volume)
    • Stereophonic Optimizer Technology (natural sound diffusion through headphones)
    • Piano Music Stand with Clips
    • Bluetooth® MIDI / Bluetooth® Audio
    • Wireless connection to Smart Pianist app via Bluetooth® MIDI
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