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Acus One Forstrings 5FERDI - Cherry Wood

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  • Acus One Forstrings 5ferdi 1x5 + Tweeter 50+20w Cherry Wood - Combo für Akustikgitarre - Variation 1
  • Acus One Forstrings 5ferdi 1x5 + Tweeter 50+20w Cherry Wood - Combo für Akustikgitarre - Variation 2
  • Acus One Forstrings 5ferdi 1x5 + Tweeter 50+20w Cherry Wood - Combo für Akustikgitarre - Variation 3
  • 809.00 €
  • Ref : 111338
799,00 €
  • Günstige Preise garantiert
  • Zufrieden oder erstattet
  • 3 Jahre Garantie
2-3 Tage Versand
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Combo für akustikgitarre

ACUS ONEFORSTRINGS 5FERDI (Cherry Wood) is a 70 Watt small band amplifier equipped with 3 separate inputs + an Aux input (TRRS audio in/out e Bluetooth audio in) equipped with independent volume and 2-band EQ. The 3 inputs are equipped with Gain, 3-band EQ, effect send and Volume.
Input 1 is also equipped with other functions: it has a Compressor and a switch that changes the characteristics of the channel according to the type of instrument selected:

1. Flat: "standard" equalization for acoustic and classical instruments. With this equalization channel 1 is identical to channels 2 and 3
2. Bass: suitable for instruments particularly rich in bass (such as electric, acoustic or double bass).
3. Jazz: suitable for electric or semi-acoustic / jazz guitar.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • Custom shop Nicht
  • Gitarrenverstärker Leistung 50 bis 99 watts
  • Lautsprecher Konfiguration 1x5
  • Leistung in Watt 70 watts
  • Technologie Transistor
  • Typ custom shop Nein
  • SKU Acus AC116
  • Amplifier for acoustic guitar/bass and microphone
  • Combo
  • 50 + 20 watts RMS
  • Woofer 5", Dome tweeter 1"
  • Bi-amplification 2-ways
  • Frequency response 50 Hz -20kHz
  • 3x channels with independant input for each channel
  • Compression with Threshold and Ratio on CH1
  • 3x voicings Flat/Bass/Jazz on CH1
  • AUX channel with volume, bass, treble, effect volume
  • Other controls : see pictures
  • In/outs : see pictures
  • Integrated effects processor (Rev 1, Rev 2 , CHR, Delay) with furtive selector, volume and effects length
  • Master volume
  • 12" x 9.96" x 11.02"
  • 30.48 x 25.30 x 27.99 cm
  • 15.42 kg
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