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Eko Original Tero V-NOS - olympic white

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  • Eko Tero V-nos Original Sh Ht Wpc - Olympic White - E-Gitarre in Teleform - Main picture
  • 366.00 €
  • Ref : 108203
329,00 €
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  • 3 Jahre Garantie
3-5 Tage Versand
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Kaufberatung E-Gitarre

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E-gitarre in teleform

EKO Original Tero V-NOS (Olympic White) solid body electric guitar is designed for the modern pop-rock guitarist. It features a Pawlonia body, American Maple neck and Eko 21-frets WPC fingerboard.
The pickup configuration is SH with the humbucker splitable to Single-Coil..

Light as a feather, killer looks and great tone, Paulownia has it all. This fast-growing tree has been popular in the East for centuries. It is a lot more sustainable and cheaper than swamp ash and it is now also planted and harvested in Europe. For these reasons Paulownia is becoming a perfect alternative to Swamp Ash.
Stable and very resonant, it gives a striking amount of volume. Nice warm mids, clear lows and never ever annoying shrill highs. It doesn't have the ice pickiness Swamp Ash sometimes has. It sits right between Swamp Ash and Alder.

Fretboard is made of WPC, an acronym for Wood Plastic Composite. It combines recycled natural wood fibers, plastic, polymers and additives.
Environmentally friendly approach of using waste wood and recycled plastic material is not its only virtue, generating great sounds in between Maple and Ebony.
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Technisches Arbeitsblatt

  • E-Gitarre Modelle Tel (oder nahe davon)
  • Custom shop Nicht
  • Farbe Weiß
  • Griff mit Kopf Ja
  • Rechtshänder/ Linkshänder Rechtshänder
  • Saitenanzahl 6 Saiten
  • Typ custom shop Nein
  • EKO Original V-NOS Tero
  • Solid body electric guitar
  • 2023
  • Paulownia body
  • Bolt-on Maple neck, 'Aire EkoC' profile
  • WPC fingerboard, 21x medium-jumbo frets
  • Scale 25.59" - 650 mm
  • Radius 14"
  • Neck width 1st fret 1.650" (42 mm)
  • Eko Vintage humbucking neck pickup
  • Eko Vintage bridge single-coil pickups
  • Master Volume
  • Master Tone, push-pull for coil-split
  • 3x positions pickup selector
  • Eko vintage-style traditional 3x saddles bridge
  • Eko die-cast tuners
  • Gloss finish for body
  • Gloss finish for neck
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